Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Laila: Can You Overthink Impeccable?

I have made my way through half of a bag of delicious Lays Classic chips thinking of how to respond to two different friends about two entirely different issues.   I owe my greasy, salty fingertips (did I mention delicious?) to analyzing and overanalyzing imagined conversations with the impeccable filter on. I have even considered avoiding said conversations and putting off talking to these people until a later date. Of course then there is the fester factor and we all know that that will eventually end in tears or a really upset stomache preventing future consumption of aforementioned chips. 

Here is where I get stuck – in my mind I think “impeccable” has to equal “nice”, when in fact, as a great friend so recently reminded me, impeccable means being honest with yourself about your feelings, and thus the person you are talking to. And honest isn’t always rainbows and roses, but at least the delivery can be thoughtful.

I also realize these imagined conversations require way too much mental energy on my part. It’s almost like I formulate a game plan so I will be able to handle myself in a more impeccable manner then if I were to wing it.  “If she zigs, I’ll zag over here and make sure I say this!  But if she zags, hmmmm, maybe I zig and do this instead….oh the possibilities are endless!”  And then crinkle, crinkle, CRUNCH, CRUNCH – more chips.  I could save myself a lot of headache and calories by just having the actual conversations and taking my time to respond AFTER listening.

I know I cannot control how someone is going to react to my words, but I know that I can control how those words come out. I never go into a conversation intending to hurt feelings, but that is a risk when you are honest with yourself and with your words. If there needs to be more pauses in the conversation for me to focus on impeccability then so be it, I can do the two minute end of the soap opera scene stare with the best of them! So I am off to have those much needed conversations, as soon as I find the phone, which appears to be behind a delicious bag of salt and vinegar chips......riiiiiiip, CRUNCH CRUNCH, mmmmm.

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