Friday, July 22, 2011

Laila: No really, it doesn't bother me at all!

As we shifted from strictly focusing on Agreement numero uno: Being Impeccable to Agreement number two: Don’t Take it Personally, I have to admit I was a little smug. Contrary to my fellow blogger, I have professed loudly that I really have no problem taking anything personally, so this one would be a piece of cake.  Indeed.  Then an e-mail landed in my inbox that made me stop and reflect, and I wasn’t too pleased at my initial reaction. So it seems said “piece of cake” has actually turned into humble pie – and so my tale begins….

I receive e-mails from a studio where I completed my Reiki Master training. These e-mails inform me of upcoming events, classes, new hires.  During my training, I had high hopes that were echoed by my instructor, of beginning my practice in the studio when I was all done. But by the time I completed my training, I realized that that particular studio was not the most ideal fit for my personality.  Fortunately for me I never had to deal with turning them down because my practicing there was never brought up again – which at the time was fine.  Maybe they also felt it wasn’t the right fit. 
Then, a few months later, for some strange reason I reconsidered – maybe it was a good venue after all and maybe I was just being weird about the whole thing – so I inquired about it and was told my message would be passed along to my instructor.  I can’t say as to whether or not she received the message, I can say no one ever called me back.  Apparently, there is no way to speak to my former instructor directly unless you have an appointment.  A paying appointment that is (oops, not impeccable).

They say your first instinct is usually the right one, so why is it that after I made that decision not to pursue working there, that I get annoyed when I see their e-mails, as if they rejected me?  One would think I would just unsubscribe, but that would be admitting that I was taking it personally (gasp!).  I believe all things happen for a reason, and if something is meant to be it will work out. But I guess in this case I wanted to be the one to ultimately have the final say, to control things no doubt, and certainly not something anyone practicing Reiki should fixate on – interesting lesson all around. 
I think I will continue to subscribe to their e-mail list, as my little reminder to not take things personally. And my barometer to gauge how evolved I have become will be the day when I can open one of these studio e-mails and exclaim without a hint of sarcasm “I wonder what interesting things they have going on this month?”  We shall see…….

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